Thursday 17 December 2009

Saturday 31st October 2009

This was going to be my Christmas card design this year, although 1. it's a rubbish drawing, 2. I ruined it by scribbling everywhere and 3. I don't really have time to make cards now.

Friday 30th October 2009

Zombie man, thing.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Thursday 29th October 2009

Bit different to what I normally draw but nevermind, we finally got a new scanner/printer/all-in-one jobby. Biro on 3D drawing paper.
And look! Catpaint stickers!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Wednesday 28th October 2009

Well, I do have more to upload but I'm stuck with lots of work atm and my printer/scanner's broken, so I'm pretty done for at the moment. Planning on making some stickers so I'll post them when I'm done, of course it may be a while...
Oh yeah this is on my new 3D drawing pad thing I bought the other week. It's supposed to look like your image floats when you wear the glasses but it doesn't really work - 3D's so disappointing. God knows what it'll look like on a computer screen.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tuesday 27th October 2009

I did this when I was four! That's how good I am!
Actually my mam found this the other day cleaning stuff out, and my first words were "it's shit!" but apparently it's good for my age. I think there's a lot I can learn from this drawing.

Monday 26th October 2009

Mark the Poo Nanny

Monday 30 November 2009

Sunday 25th October 2009

Fat Chick

Saturday 24th October 2009

Um, this guy looks after the world during the day, Mr Night Time looks after it at night. They is the sky.
Kinda inspired by a drawing I did when I was four, and will post in a few posts as my mam found it when tidying out the spare room.

Friday 23rd October 2009

Cat, in a top hat! Seriously need to catch up with my blogs so I can start giving proper titles.

Thursday 22nd October 2009

This is my new favouritest drawing. It will also be a sticker. And don't bother going to yet as there's nothing there.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Wednesday 21st October 2009

Tshirt design for Native. If you're stoked on it let Jackie know cos he's not sure it'll sell, Haymarket has changed and all!

Thursday 19 November 2009

Tuesday 20th October 2009

Spunky war against the bonk-on bandits.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Monday 19th October 2009

I'm getting annoyed at how slack I am tbh. This is an image from one of my sketchbooks of a bit of a potato character design, although it looks like someone who gets in the working men's club near mine.
In other news I've been added to that drawing app I made, now with comedy sounds!

Friday 13 November 2009

Sunday 18th October 2009

I am awesome at storyboards!

Thursday 12 November 2009

Saturday 17th October

I did a drawingggg! and I'm nearly a month behind.
I have been doing other stuff but tbh I've just not drawn in ages, it's canny bad really.
I made this colouring app in flash however (character by David Hails).

Thursday 5 November 2009

Friday 16th October 2009

Preview of my new site I'm working on, something to keep me entertained:)
I will find more catch up posts later.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Thursday 15th October 2009

Halloween! Well it shouldn't be, according to the date in the title, but I'm making up for missed posts. Mark's gay! Here's a photo of the pumpkin I carved this year, although for a better photo you might want to watch my twitter feed before I blow it up on bonfire night:D
We also timelapsed the carving this year, YOUTUBE!

Thursday 29 October 2009

Wednesday 14th October 2009

And nobody suspected a thing.....
mega old drawing of threeboobs, I can't remember my original description of him, but there's some classics in this sketchbook.

I've also uploaded for your viewing pleasure, the only existing photo of Jackie Jackson of Native Fame skateboarding

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Sunday 11 October 2009

My Shelf

This is my shelf I've been working on for ages now and I've only just nearly covered one side! Eventually it'll all be full of characters and I intend to varnish it and, well then I'll have a book shelf of my own to put my Jeff Soto Qee on!

Saturday 10th October 2009

Was loving this like, partially inspired by the face pulling bits in the new 'Tales of Monkey Island'. Love drawing in pen and not making big mistakes!

Friday 9th October 2009

Robot stencil, not even sure if it's still there now.

Thursday 8th October

I honestly can't remember what I was thinking when I drew this hahaha but it makes me laugh looking at it. Pretty Vic Reeves inspired I reckon.

Wednesday 7th October 2009

This little chap was an idea I had for my final show that never materialised. I think one day I'll go back and make it.

~Aye I apologise for being mega fucking slack. I drink too much and work too little.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Trying to win at life

Some work I've been doing for my freelance stuff, testing out scenes and styles.
I also bought a sick poster off of Ed today, will post a photo of it on twitter later cos I'm still at college. Watch for it on the side bar <--

Monday 5 October 2009

Mr Jazz Tramp Egg

It's really not as much fun uploading things straight my sketchbook, I feel like I'm cheating the blog! In truth though I haven't drawn anything of worth today, so here's a nice beatnik Mr. Egg.
Pencil work by Calum.

Sunday 4 October 2009

More freelance

Some more stuff I'm working on.

Saturday 3rd October 2009

Not strictly an illustration.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Friday 2nd October 2009

Pooey train adventure

Friday 2 October 2009

Thursday 1st October

This is my most favourite drawing of Mr. Egg yet, gonna be the next sticker I think.

Wednesday 30th September

This was my original image for my display for my final year show at college. My tutor didn't like the clouds weeing on Prof. Hotpoint so much so my display ended up a little lackluster.

Tuesday 29th September

The All Seeing Pie. Listen to the Ziggens.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Monday 28th September

I actually drew this on Monday, but I'm having to backlog since I haven't had the time to post lately. This is bones, another member of the Rad Dogs and err, something that looks a bit like Terry Fuckwit.

Sunday 27 September 2009

This was a sticker once

Now it's a comical drawing of my robro flying.

Saturday 26/09/2009 (in retrospect)

This is my post for yesterday as I've been having problems accessing and completing work lately. I'd love to say where I got the inspiration for this work but it seems to have slipped my mind.

Saturday 26 September 2009

tbc... - update! Final Year Show

I did blog today, by phone via email - but it doesn't seem to have worked so.
fuck it, it'll be here tomorrow. night


This is my final show from my last course, as I don't think many people will have seen it.

Thursday 24 September 2009


This is the original "Rad Dogs" dog. I have to admit I'm still struggling to blog as I'm having computer issues and a lack of money to fix them, but there should be something "all new" soon. Off to watch "Alone in the Wild".

Wednesday 23 September 2009

More Freelance Archives

This is the pic I was trying to upload yesterday - downloaded gimp and converted it on my mega wack desktop.
Seriously, lack of computer is rubbish. Not really getting into my course yet although kind of looking forward to it, a bit of slacking and a good bit of working, should be good!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

More College - Freelance Tests

Well, I tried uploading something else but as I completely forgot about blogging today (College stress - or should I say Uni stress?) I'm pushed for time as I have about 10 minutes to blog and the only computer I can use has none of my software on or anything. However, I managed to find this small bit of freelance work to upload, a character design for a story about a potato.

Monday 21 September 2009

Back to College Today

My laptop's broke and I haven't gotten my student loan yet.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Mr Egg Elevations

It is with this post I must sadly announce that the time has came for me to post something which I have not just produced today. I've came to the realization however that if I am to draw something new every day then all you're ever going to see is sketchy pencil drawings and the occasional coloured up piece - so I think in general it'll be better if I simply post something different every day as opposed to something I've drawn that day.
I will however make the effort to post things which I have not already posted on my deviantart, so in effect there will be something new posted every day.

Saturday 19 September 2009

The REAL Secret of Monkey Island

The entire game you're playing as Martyn, a 22 year old sat having a looby lou.
I'd like to remind everyone, free monkey island for the next 7 hours.

Friday 18 September 2009

Thursday 17 September 2009

Newcastle Get Bad Crew

Any likeness of characters within this illustration is purely coincidental.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

...And a bucket full of shells

Hello, my name is Edward D Edwardson

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Boxing Dog

In future right, I promise I'll spend more than 2 minutes on a drawing.

Monday 14 September 2009


This one nearly didn't make it! in the middle of fixing a sky+ box!

Sunday 13 September 2009

Rad Air Dude!

To celebrate the shred session today I've drawn a really shitty skateboarder doing some sort of mad grab (I know nothing on grabs). I'm tired.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Angry Cloud

Tapes are sick! Today I bought Rage Against the Machine - Evil Empire from a charity shop for 50p, and in my tape player, in my car, it sounds SICK! Charity shops are well underrated, so far I've bought, Rage, MC Hammer and Styx! All for around a pound. SICK!