Thursday 17 December 2009

Saturday 31st October 2009

This was going to be my Christmas card design this year, although 1. it's a rubbish drawing, 2. I ruined it by scribbling everywhere and 3. I don't really have time to make cards now.

Friday 30th October 2009

Zombie man, thing.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Thursday 29th October 2009

Bit different to what I normally draw but nevermind, we finally got a new scanner/printer/all-in-one jobby. Biro on 3D drawing paper.
And look! Catpaint stickers!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Wednesday 28th October 2009

Well, I do have more to upload but I'm stuck with lots of work atm and my printer/scanner's broken, so I'm pretty done for at the moment. Planning on making some stickers so I'll post them when I'm done, of course it may be a while...
Oh yeah this is on my new 3D drawing pad thing I bought the other week. It's supposed to look like your image floats when you wear the glasses but it doesn't really work - 3D's so disappointing. God knows what it'll look like on a computer screen.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tuesday 27th October 2009

I did this when I was four! That's how good I am!
Actually my mam found this the other day cleaning stuff out, and my first words were "it's shit!" but apparently it's good for my age. I think there's a lot I can learn from this drawing.

Monday 26th October 2009

Mark the Poo Nanny