Thursday 4 March 2010

Bad News

Since I really want to play that new Batman Arkham Asylum game I've decided to draw a picture of Batman so that maybe the people who made said game (I don't...really know who that is) would see my picture and be like "shit that's awesome here is a free game of Batman" since my blog's dead popular now. I've also drawn him with Nike's on and a skateboard because I would like them also.

Anyhows the bad news. Tbh it's not really bad news at all, in any way shape or form as pretty much nothing will change. It is to me bad news however as I have decided to give up on catching up with my 365 drawings, or producing a drawing a day. I'm too far behind now and not even doodling enough to produce enough drawings and it's just annoying me titling each post as a date from the past, and it's no doubt confusing also. So yeah, end of a dream for now. I will continue to post in the same format however, with an image and a small amount of text as I really like posting things this way - it's like an ADD blog - and I may in the future start another drawing a day thing but for now I'm uncertain.

So in conclusion, no more titling blog posts as dates and everything will continue on as normal, posting snippets of what I'm upto or find interesting and doodles I've done. Batman.

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