Thursday 27 May 2010

A Sneak Peek...

At something I'm currently slaving over! I've been working on lots lately (including loads of written work for my course!) but I haven't really wanted to post anything as it's all for my final show at college, and I don't want everyone to have seen my work before it goes on display so it's been kept under my hat a bit. Hopefully this will all pay off when the work goes on display!

If anyone wants to attend my final show feel free, it's on the 7th June in Newcastle (I'll find out exactly where by the end of the week, promise) and is basically a show of work on display by students on my course, BA (Hons) Creative Practice. I have no idea what everyone else will have on display, but I can guarantee mine and Ed's will be class!

Sunday 9 May 2010

And if you don't know... you know...
I found this blog when looking for where the wild things are pictures. It's supposedly book reviews or something but whoever created it seems to pretty much take high quality photos of pretty much every page, so you can read the whole book! Anyhows you can read where the wild things are there, which I thought was pretty cool.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Changes to RSS feed

I've come to an important realisation for anyone who keeps up to date with Scrawl There... via RSS feed. Basically will not be pointing to my blog in the near future, therefore it's possible the current RSS feed will no longer work.
To avoid any problems I recommend you scrap using your current RSS feed if it has in the url and instead use this one, as it is the same feed but will continue working when I fiddle around with the site.
I appreciate this will mean absolute bollocks to a lot of people but I felt it necessary to warn of just incase.