Saturday 19 June 2010

Ice Cream cat

Me and Ed've been experimenting with embroidery again, simplifying some of our characters to make little emblems for clothing etc. No idea what we're going to make yet, maybe caps? maybe patches? who knows!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Final Show

Well, my final show for BA (Hons) Creative Practice went as well as could be expected (a bit of a dive), but boozy times were to be had by all! Above is a photo of our main display in our main display....area, albeit a bit desolate without our portfolios etc. on display.

As I mentioned earlier, I've been busy at work sorting out OctoPuss, mine and Ed Tam's little business in cat related doodlings! We've set up a blog over here where you can see some of our work, although it was best to see it in person as images don't really do it justice! Our web store is also up at and features an awesome Octopus themed background by Lynsey Gray, which is worth visiting the site for alone! Be sure to check out some of our work and maybe part with some dollar for a good cause (haha).

Oh and for those who're curious, I've passed my course and should have my degree in a few weeks:)

Sunday 6 June 2010


Just a bit of promotional stuff for my new 'OctoPuss' web store!

If I haven't filled you in, myself and Ed Tam (he draws cats in costumes) are starting our own little business doing freelance animation/illustration whilst also producing and selling products with our designs on them via a web store.

Anyhows I just got these mugs made and they look amazing! They're slightly different to the ones we will be selling in our store although they are an excellent indicator of what the mugs will look like and have turned out much better than I imagined (the photo doesn't do them justice).

We plan on launching the web store tomorrow with our final show so I'll post a link up on here tomorrow with the details:)

HE Final Show

Nom nom nom nom nom! I'm canny shattered atm, had so much to do this week and atm I'm currently designing mugs and preparing the OctoPuss web store to go live on Monday, hectic!

So it's my BA (Hons) Final Show this Monday coming, for anyone who wants to visit. It's on from 6-9pm at Blandford Square in Newcastle and has free booze so check it out, give me a comment or email or text or phone or....whatever if you want more details. I made a facebook group for those who do that.

I'm really lost for words now, I've had to stop myself from posting things we're going to have on show so I've had very little worth posting...Basically me and Ed have a quite big OctoPuss display going up at Blandford Square, and for anyone in Mandela building at Newcastle College we might be having another smaller display in the Illustration and Animation department so check it out. I'll have photos of the exhibit and news on the OctoPuss store posted on Monday/Tuesday, then maybe more regular posts!